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Bladeless Lasik Treatment in Parshivni

Bladeless Lasik Treatment
Bladeless LASIK Surgery is the FDA-approved cutting-edge innovation in spectacle removal technologies that uses laser vision correction. In addition to correcting your specs power, the Bladeless procedure corrects corneal abnormalities and works on the visual axis, delivering remarkable visual outcomes. After Bladeless vision surgery, many patients can see clearer than before, even without their glasses. There is also significantly less glare around the lights.
How is Bladeless Eye surgery performed?
Bladeless Eye surgery is increasingly becoming a popular vision correction treatment option for people all around the country. It is a quick, painless same-day surgery, helping you gain excellent vision in 15 to 20 minutes.
Pre-Operative Eye Exam A comprehensive preliminary assessment is performed, including a clinical examination and corneal topography (Pentacam), to determine the patient’s eligibility and safety for the Bladeless LASIK surgery. If any retinal defects (such as thinning/hole/tear) are discovered during the evaluation, they are treated with a barrage laser first, and then Bladeless is performed after 1 to 4 weeks.
During the Procedure On the day of surgery, the topolyser collects the patient’s topographic imagery, which is then sent to the treatment planning station to develop the personalized treatment profile. The laser will adjust your vision by accurately reshaping your cornea based on up to 22,000 elevation points, guided by your individualized topography profile.
Post Procedure After 30 minutes, the patient is free to exit the hospital. Eye drops are used to prevent infection and aid in the healing process. The patient is evaluated the day following the procedure and one week and one month after that.
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