Laser Surgery technology for power correction by LASIK has advanced by leaps and bounds in the last two decades. From a surgical procedure with moderate results, LASIK Surgery today has surpassed all expectations and is a highly precise surgery requiring the best of skills and technology. In keeping up with technological advancements world-over, the surgeons at Anantwar Eye Hospital work on the Alcon Wavelight™ EX500 flying spot Laser Treatment System.
Before Lasik Surgery
Before opting for Lasik Eye Surgery, it is advised to make sure that you are eligible for surgery. Consulting your Ophthalmologists will give you clear information about your eye condition and whether your eyes are suitable to proceed further with the Laser Eye Treatment. After a comprehensive Eye Examination, your Laser Eye Surgery Specialist would advise on the type of Laser Treatment you may be suitable for.
You will also have to undergo a scan to check the parameters of your cornea before proceeding with the Laser Surgery. If you are planning to undergo Contoura Lasik Surgery, an additional scan by the Topolyser scan may be undertaken to map 22000 points on the cornea, which will be able to highlight the microscopic irregularities. If you wear contact lenses, it is advisable to discontinue wearing them before planning for the Laser Treatment.
The time period varies with the type of contacts you wear and you are advised to follow the instructions recommended by your Ophthalmologists for the betterment and success of your Lasik Treatment. During our Eye Evaluation, many parameters and measurements are taken to best optimise your vision after the Lasik Eye Surgery, which will be extremely important for planning the Lasik Eye Treatment. Once your date for the LASIK has been confirmed, eye drops may be prescribed to be started a day before the Eye Surgery.
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