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Orbit and Oculoplasty

Orbit and Oculoplasty​

Orbit, Oculoplasty, Ocular Oncology & Ocular Prosthetic Services, is a subspecialty of ophthalmology that handles anomalies of lids, lacrimal drainage system, extra ocular structures, bony orbit and other ocular adnexa. In the last 20 years, the clinic has seen over 377,000 patients and performed over 117,000 surgeries.
The department has excellent support facilities, diagnostic equipment like Ultrasound A & B Scan, X-ray unit, CT scan, MRI (in collaboration), well established Ocular Microbiology, Pathology, Immunology and Genetic labs.
Standard surgical theatre is provided with operating microscope, surgical lights, fiber optic light, bipolar and unipolar cautery unit, Ellman Radio frequency cutting- coagulating system, latest state of the art Navigation system and endoscopic surgery equipment with radiotherapy (in collaboration) and chemotherapy facilities.
oculoplasty eye
Nasolacrimal duct obstructions both congenital and acquired are routinely treated, with probing, balloon dacryoplasty, external/endonasal dacryocystorhinostomy and Conjunctivodacryocystorhinostomy with Jones’ tube placement.

A number of patients with orbital pathology including orbital trauma are seen in the clinic. Orbitotomy with mass incisional/ excision biopsies and orbital floor fracture repair with implants (silicon, prolene mesh and osteopore) are commonly done. Orbital and wound exploration for foreign body and their removal are also expertly handled.
Lacrimal system and Orbit
Ring of Hope: Ring of Hope fund provides free treatment and rehabilitation to patients suffering from eye cancer. Cancer treatment which includes diagnosis, surgery, chemotherapy and radiation can be a catastrophic event for any family, burdening them with debt. Ring of Hope pays for travel and accommodation so that those costs do not become an obstacle to continuing treatment.

In some cases, We can save a patient’s life, but not sight. Orbital cancers can cause of blindness, destroying eyes and limiting active participation in the community. Our expert team was created 50 custom prostheses for patients who had an eye removed were we provided free through the Ring of Hope. The Ring of Hope provides devices for patients who have low vision or are blind.
Ocular Prosthesis: Ocular Prosthesis is an artificial eye or aesthetic model of eyelids and globe which is fit for patients with phthisis bulbi or those whose eyes or orbital contents including globe have been surgically evacuated. During enucleation (surgical process of removing the eye), a silicone ball implant is inserted into the eye socket, to fill the area the eye once occupied. An ocular prosthesis is then moulded to fit in front of the implant. It occupies the space between the eyelids and the conjunctiva covering the implant.

A silicone facial prosthesis is also fashioned in the department, for patients who undergo exenteration (removal of orbital contents long with the eyeball) for various oncological/ infective indications. The Ocular Prosthesis Centre was established in 2004 and is equipped to cater to challenging cases with excellent results. It is now one of the leading centres in India for custom fitting of artificial eyes. Since inception, the centre has fulfilled the prosthetic requirement of over 10,220 satisfied patients. For patients with exenterated socket, silicone facial prosthesis is offered.
  • Ptosis – drooping of upper lids.
  • Lid retraction – large eyes.
  • Thyroid Eye Disease.
  • Browpexy – Brow lifts
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