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Squint and Pediatric Ophthalmology

Squint and Pediatric Ophthalmology

What is a Squint and Pediatric Ophthalmology?
A squint is vision disorder also called strabismus, is where the eyes point in different directions. It is common in young childrens, but can occur in any age. One of the eyes may turn in, out, up or down while the other eye looks ahead. Squint or strabismus is a misalignment of the two eyes where the eyes do not look in the same direction. It means one eye may not focus on an object someone is looking at.

When the patient is looking straight ahead, the other eye may turn either inwards, outwards, upwards or downwards.

What are the causes of a squint (strabismus)?
1 . Congenital or Heriditory. In the majority of cases, people are either born with strabismus or develop it during their first six months after birth.
2 . Due to some Refractive Errors [If the Child has a Spectacles] as the child may turn the affected eye inward in order to get a better focus.
3 . Associated Neurological Conditions [ Brain Disorders]
4 . Viral infections, such as Measles
Symptoms of Strabismus Include
  • Double vision
  • Eyes that do not align in the same direction
  • Eye movement that is not coordinated
  • Loss of vision or depth perception
  • Crossed eyes
What are the treatment options for a squint (strabismus)?

Glasses – if the child is found to hypermetropia (long-sightedness), they will be prescribed glasses which usually solve the squint.
Eye patch – this is worn over the good eye to get other eye, the one with the squint, to work better.
Orthoptic Exercises -The doctor may also prescribe eye drops, and get the patient to do specific eye exercises.
Surgey – surgery is only used when other treatments have not been effective.can restore binocular vision, as well as realign the eyes. The surgeon moves the muscle that connects to the eye to a new position – sometimes both eyes need to be operated on to get the right balance.

How long will the procedure take?
During the operation the eye muscles are adjusted, moved and secured to the eye surface using stitches that will dissolve after about six weeks. The operation usually takes less than an hour to perform.
When can I get back to work?
I tell most adults to take a week out of work. I ask that they keep water out of the eye and to use some eyedrops for a week, but there are no other limitations. Some patients are back to work in a few days, others may take more than a week if there is double vision or unusual discomfort.
Limitations of Strabismus (Eye Muscle) Surgery:
Because of the complexity of the system, strabismus surgery may solve only a portion of a complex problem. Some forms of strabismus respond better than others. And some problems are not amenable to surgery. Your doctor will be able to explain the application of these generalities to your condition.
Will the Procedure hurt?

Your child may have some mild pain and swelling around the eye. But the pain and swelling should go away after a few days. Your child should be able to do most of their usual activities in a day or two.

What are the risks?
The most common risk to strabismus surgery is partial or complete failure to correct the condition and/or its effects, including associated symptoms such as double vision. In general, the more complicated the strabismus and its associated conditions, the more difficult it is to completely control the deviation and its effects.

Because the visual system is complex, involving much of the brain, repositioning the extraocular muscles cannot be expected to resolve all problems associated with strabismus.

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