Anantwar Eye Hospital in Nagpur, Phaco Cataract surgery / Lasik Laser Surgery In Nagpur, Retina Surgery In Nagpur, Squint Surgery In Nagpur.

Squint In Patansaongi

Squint Treatment

Squint treatment or “Strabismus” is a disorder in which the patient’s eyes are not aligned in the same direction. Most commonly, it occurs among children and may also be associated with lazy eye. In adults, squint can either due to a recently acquired on-set squint or persisting childhood strabismus. At Anantwar Eye Hospital, we offer state of the art strabismus treatment to help patients restore their vision and correct eye conditions.

Squint Boy
What Causes Strabismus?
Some babies develop squint problems by birth (known as congenital squint), and some develop squint problems during adulthood. In adults, strabismus is caused when the eye attempts to overcome a vision problem such as short-sightedness, long-sightedness, or any genetic factors. There are many medical factors responsible for developing squint among adults, such as
  • Diabetes
  • Thyroid
  • Myasthenia gravis
  • Brain Tumour
  • Head Trauma
  • Strokes
  • An eye surgery went wrong

At Anantwar Eye Hospital, we ensure the patients receive the best squint eye treatment, and therefore, we are all equipped with the country’s best squint surgeon.

Adults with squint defect might experience the following symptoms:
  • Eye fatigue
  • Double Vision
  • Overlapped or Blurred Vision
  • Pulling Sensation in the Eye
  • Difficulty Reading
Squints among adults is a significant problem as it affects their confidence to socialize with people due to the inability to make direct eye contact with both the eyes. It can also negatively impact your career and job opportunities.
Squint Correction

Squint eye treatment in babies includes wearing glasses and occasionally, eye exercises. They may also need to wear an eye patch to improve the vision of their affected eye. Make sure your child receives regular eye monitoring by an expert eye specialist at Anantwar Eye Hospital for the most effective eye treatment.

Squint eye treatment in adults may include eye correction surgery to improve their vision. Squint surgery is a very common surgery and is considered to be most effective when performed by a certified and accomplished eye surgeon.
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